I was born the year ABBA won the melody festival- The Grand Prix with the song Waterloo. Wide cut jeans and high heels were normal---on men---and long hair and beards too...It was the beginning to the end of the Hippie movement---even if a few people probably never landed after a trip to mushroomland, but the style changed...the music changed and so did the time.
It was the happy day of the 7th of august 1974- I came popping out, blue in my face, chubby and with just a hint of blond hair, and with blue eyes. Ready to shine, ready to take on the world...

Me, as a baby
-Early in my toddler years my dad actually discovered that I had rythm, I had a voice and that I actually could hold a tune. He let me listen to all sorts of music, Led Zeppelin, Elvis, Nazareth, and omg- Baccara- "Yes sir, I can boogie"...

Me, as a baby
-Early in my toddler years my dad actually discovered that I had rythm, I had a voice and that I actually could hold a tune. He let me listen to all sorts of music, Led Zeppelin, Elvis, Nazareth, and omg- Baccara- "Yes sir, I can boogie"...
(NOT my proudest moment) But set poor english aside, there was a rythm in there, a sound that atrackted me. I didn't actually give a rats ass about those two ladies, but the strings...I loved them...
And the Smurfs...I drove my mom crazy with them...lol
And my first album was a single with Andy Gibb. I was 5 years old. It cost me 5 norwegian kroners, and I remember I had such a crush on him. I was so sad when I figured out that he died. But then there was BeeGees...I really loved them...it was crazy, men singin like women!!?? I thought they were so funny.
I was a loner as a kid. I never got much of good attention from people, only when I sang. I was quite good at it. I sang all the time alone in my room.
I was bullied alot in school, people in general just did not like me. They called me names, tricked me to take the blame for shit they did, I got beaten up alot...By some familymembers...by kids...I was the kid everybody just loved to pick on...And I just closed myself up inside my head and did what they expected from that impossible kid who only wanted some attention and perhaps the same kind of love like the rest of them...was that to hard to understand?
What did I do to them that was so wrong? Why did they bully me? What did I do, other being an active kid? Look at me:

What did I do to them that was so wrong? Why did they bully me? What did I do, other being an active kid? Look at me:

"They called me ugly...They said I was nothing...He kicked me in my face, I was bleeding...No-one saw me, no-one helped me...I was left alone, in the snow...And my teacher told me to get up and stop crying...-You probably had it comming!
I was 9...The boy was 10...and no-one helped me...And she...just stood there, laughing at me...She should have had my back, but did instead bully me more...she was the worst...!"
Life Moves on...
I stared to sing in a sort of familyband with my dad, his brothers (on and off) and friends of his when I was 14. Everytime I got that microphone in front of me, I went other places in my mind...
I still got told that I wasn't good enough...So I acted not good enough...And kept myself in the back and not craving attention.
After I became a mother, my perspective changed a bit, but I started a band with a friend of mine- Heidi Blåsmo- and her now ex-husband Tommy Frantzen, and my dad. And we were good. It was alot of fun. I miss those days...
Angel, with Heidi Blåsmo
One of my favourite songs with her...Now she is in a band called RELOADED. (They are on Spotify! Really good)
One of my favourite songs with her...Now she is in a band called RELOADED. (They are on Spotify! Really good)
My band of love by Reloaded
I am so proud of her...Music saved her as it saved and still saves me..:) (BTW- my song is at the end!)
The 80'ths was a funny era. The hair...the clothes...Poodles everywhere, but man..again...the music...
I discovered more rock...Heavy Metal...
Sitting on a livingroomfloor in an appartment in Vejle in Denmark, 13-14 years old, smoking menthol sigarettes and was so damned cool, there it happened...I fell in LOVE!
The radio was on, loud! And Metallica was doing the drums, the riff...ONE...I was mesmerized...I was floating away...I craved for more. I started to research. The library and the recordstore became my sanctuary. Metallica...Alice Cooper...AC/DC...Manowar...WASP...Marillion...Queen...Poison...And all those one hit wonders, "When I see you smile", "Cherry pie"...
Bon Jovi...Motorhead...I listened to them all, drove my parents CRAZY playing waay to loud...at the same time as I sang in the group, Creedence songs, the Eagles...I broaden my horizont...I started to really listen...To every soubd, every ping and pong, every sparkle, everything...Music...
And then I found Pink Floyd...by accident really...Dark side of the moon...
I jumped back and forth, Roxette and the lovely, lovely Marie Fredriksson...And The Cranberries, Sinead O'Connor...Prince...OMG, who doesn't love Kiss?
Tom Jones...And then for a period I came as I was with Nirvana, dyed my hair, shaved parts of my head, found The Cure and their lovely lovely Lullaby and got devoured my their spider...
And Exstreme that said it with More than words...
And I stuck with them for a while...
And then I grew up...Got kids...And Spice Girls...Avril Lavigne...Girl Power...all the way to Calcutta and a Tiger that ate the whole family with The taxidriver...Vengaboys...I hated them...hehe, but my kids loved them...
With The Rolling Stones and The Beatles I was a laaate bloomer. I was so sick of them, because we had to play that yellow submarine song on flutes in preschool...And I was scared of Mick Jagger and that big mouth of his...But I loved him with Bowie in dancing in the street...That was a fun song...
Steven Tyler happened...omg, i love that man! Aerosmith...Armageddon...That was my chosen song for my wedding...(long story...another time)
Music...Music is so much more. Taylor Swift, I adore her...Adele...Sia...Sivert Høyem...Madrugada..My midnight creeps...
I have many many love of my lifes...I listen to it all...
I am in a Sia-Adele-everything country face right now...But Justin Timberlake is...my oh my..
Next time you listen to music...please LISTEN...
The time, the hours...the efford...they live and breathe for their art for us to survive...
If I had a choise---Music is what I'd be doing...If I had believed in my self more...I would have been creating..But they broke me, and I am now just about to put the pieces together...
My secret dream...lol...

My secret dream...lol...

I will always Love you...Whitney, rest her soul...To early taken from this planet with so so many, many others.
Natalie Cole
Stars in heaven...
Music IS life! Music GIVES life! Music saved me...
I hope you have enjoyed my rmbeling of words...They just popped in my head and I had to get them out...
This is my song to you...In the darkest of times, there will always be hope...I am not religious, but I wrote this song to prove myself worthy of their time...I was soon forgotten, but my name is on that song, and it will always be a part of me:
Lift Me Higher
It is not that good, but I miss it...miss the music and I have it in me...(I am the second voice coming in singing, the highest voice)
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