torsdag 22. oktober 2015

Poetic justice...

I am no songbird,
I am no lark!
I am no ordinairy "walk in the park"-
I have my flaws, I have done wrong,
But I am still a girl whoose song's not done...

The sins I bare,
are mine to spare-
Nothing left for me there to share!
I have doubts, I have hurtful thoughts,
No should nore could, would or oughts!

If you can claim the perfect,
Will you then teach me?
I stribe to do good-
but only hatered reach me...

I am what I am, no more-no less!
This is my justice,
a poetic confess...

I am human!
I am me!
Why is that so hard for you to see?


fredag 9. oktober 2015

Ha en strålende helg...

Min absolutte favorittårstid, er høsten! Høst betyr fargespill, betyr høstvær og stormer, men også fint vær, og det betyr kakao og bøker!
Jeg skal også kanskje våge meg ut på sopptur i løpet av nærmeste fremtid, før det er for sent!
Ha en strålende helg alle sammen:)

If You Can't be Kind...BE QUIET!

This one goes out to all trolls out there!
Please, imagine that it is YOU who is being bullied! Online, in everyday life, by someone you actually do not know, at all!!!

They call you names...they question you as a person without even knowing you! It does not even matter who you are or where you come get put down with small, snyde comments or out loud-with capslock on...

How would it make you feel?

I urge you to STOP! Rethink! 
How do YOU want people to treat you?

If you do not have anything NICE to say, say nothing at all!!

Have a great day!


(This blogentry is written in english, since bullying is an international behaviour!)